After I encountered God at a weekend retreat, He placed in me something I had longed for: a hunger for Him. In the years that followed, He would give me words from Him during my quiet times before Him.
Whispers From Heaven is a collection of these revelations from Him, compiled with the purpose of blessing others.
I pray that God would speak to you through these revelations and use them to change your life in a great way.
As we were singing that chorus, “The Lord Hath Spared Me,” it seemed like the Lord just drew you to me. God has spared your life, glory to God. I see a time the Devil tried to take you out, but you are only here because God spared your life.
Brother, I see the gifts and the anointing of God upon your life. I see the call of God upon your life, even from a child up. I hear the Lord saying, “Even from thy mother's womb have I called thee and ordained thee.” You shall go forth and bring mighty deliverances, says God. Even as a youth coming up, you knew there was something different about your life; you did not have all the answers, but you knew there was a divine call of God upon your life.
I see the hand of God reaching out and touching you and picking you up out of the muck and miry clay of sin, and I hear the Holy Ghost saying, “Even from an hour as this hour, I have spared thy life. Think it not strange even that I would speak unto you, but even I, the Lord thy God, is equipping thee and even preparing thee, even for the days ahead.”
I see the trauma in your life even right now, but I will lay my hand upon you, and the power of Almighty God will begin to move in your life.
I see a yoke that you have been struggling with for some time. I am going to lay my hands upon you, and the power of Almighty God is going to break that yoke.
“Thou shalt come forth, and thou shalt not move, but out of thy belly shall flow the mighty gifts of the Spirit,” says God.
Do not hold anything back and let Me fulfill the mighty work that is to be done. Search your heart today, and I will show you My mighty works and the working of My hands.
Today, I stretch out My hand to you and say to you to let Me guide you into the Promised Land and the mighty works that I have for you.
Do not fear this day, but believe Me and trust Me, for I am your God and Your Father, and I will never leave you nor forsake you, My son.
Today, I comfort you with words from Heaven, for I know all things and have watched you. I have seen your faithfulness from great things to little things.
Because you have humbled yourself and not thought of yourself as better than anyone, now I tell you to watch. Watch Me move in your life. I have promised you great things for many years; know that every one of these promises will come forth My glory.
The place where I have you is in My perfect will. I know what people think and say about you, but I also know that has not bothered you. Your heart is totally set upon Me, so watch Me move. See the miracles that come forth today, for humility moves Me.
You are My servant, wanting My perfect will today.
This is a year of new beginnings.
You do not think that I can truly do miracles in your life, but I am the God of miracles. I know you and say to you today that I am changing everything before your very eyes. This day, I am going to go before you and destroy everything that is not from Me.
I am taking out the enemy and making your path a straight one, for nothing is going to hinder what I have for you. I will present you a new life indeed, a life of changes, and these changes will be from Me.
I am going to open new doors, doors that have never been open before. So I say to you today to listen to Me and watch Me perform mighty miracles this day. This day, I say to you to seek My face and do nothing but watch My mighty hand move before you.
My hand and My anointing is upon you and will go before you this day to prepare the way of new beginnings.
My child, the one I love, seek Me with all your heart. Reach out, and I will touch you. Everyone who will give Me all of themselves will be used.
I will empower you to do the work of an evangelist, and you will bring people to the saving knowledge of Christ.
Bring everything that does not belong to Me, and lay it at the altar. I will throw it into the sea of forgetfulness and heal you.
The time has come to reign in the heavenlies. Hold on and let’s soar. Let Me bring you through thick clouds to where My Presence is. I will touch you and change you in the twinkling of an eye. You will no longer look anywhere but unto Me.
I am yours, and you are Mine, so rise up and soar with Me. Know that persecution will come and the enemy will try to disrupt you, but all authority is yours.
Take control. Fight the good fight because your reward is great.
Do you know the amount of My love? Can you calculate it by numbers? Can you look and see how much love I have placed upon this house? I have looked down and seen what goes on behind closed doors. I see My Spirit leading and guiding, and My angels are all around to protect.
I say to you that the gifts and calling are here. I have placed My hand upon you to call forth what is not seen. Preparation is so vital in My Kingdom, for a great move is coming.
My Spirit is crying out and will fall upon My people to lead and guide them into the deep things of the spirit realm. Hearts will become freshly charged, a new anointing will come forth, and they will cry out in praise with love for the Father of mercy.
Servant of the Most High, look to Me; let Me show you My Presence today. A time is coming, and very soon, when I am going to bring you into the Holy of Holies. You are going to dwell with Me, and I am going to speak to you things that will happen very soon.
You have captivated My heart by your longing for Me. You have sought Me with all of your heart, and that stirs My heart to give you more. I will reveal the longing of your desires to want all of Me.
Call out to Me from your heart, and you will see Me in a mighty way. I have taught you great and mighty things, and you will see more clearly because I am opening your spiritual eyes. I will pour out from My heart and cause a tidal wave of My glory.
I will fill your cup to overflowing. The cup that I fill cannot be contained, and there will be a continual, daily filling up.
Seek Me, and I will be found. Knock on the door of My heart, and you will find Me.
Rise up today, and look at me. I am going to let you see My heart and show you what lies ahead. The things of this world will grow dimmer and dimmer. The cares of the world will come to attack you, but you are going to shrug them off with the power I have given you.
Take the staff that you have and raise it up, for I have given you an army to fight with you. Lead them into battle. Do not be afraid of what lies ahead; I am your Protector and Father. I will give you strength to subdue the enemy. Build yourself up in My prayer room, and we will conquer kingdoms.
Wait on Me, let the whirlwind of My glory overshadow you, and let My anointing come and fill you up.
This anointing will carry you into many countries and a releasing into other lives will come. Let it flow, and watch Me move today.
This is a great day for My people, for I am unleashing a new move of My Holy Spirit. In a day filled with signs and wonders, My love will come forth. It is a love that can move mountains and touch the deep crevices of the heart.
Cry out to Me, and let Me touch you. Let the right hand of My power consume you.
Out of the ashes of despair, I am raising up an army of believers to go forth. They will destroy the enemy’s works so life may come, and My people may walk in freedom and be used by Me.
The promises I have spoken to you for many years are coming to fruition. Now is the time to begin a life in Me. You will be part of a new generation that has taken a stand for righteousness. The truth will be spoken with boldness, and a crying out for more will reign. A resurgence of the cloak of armor will be put on them. Their minds will be set on the things of the Kingdom of God and how they can advance against the darkness.
A leader, like yourself, will begin a new move that will bring My Word to the outcasts. The forgotten ones will hear My voice and cry out for more. They will stand against the people who have kept them in bondage and say, “No more. I know the truth and have seen the miracles.”
They will rejoice, and all Heaven will move in their midst. A bombardment from Heaven itself will cast away all fear, and blind eyes will be opened. They will hear from God Himself, and words of life will flood their hearts.
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